TikTok could be banned in the UK

TikTok could be banned in the UK

The UK Security Minister, Tom Tugendhat, has stated that he is awaiting a report from the NCSC before deciding on whether to ban TikTokfrom government devices.

TikTok has responded by saying that bans in other countries have been based on misplaced fears and geopolitical concerns, and that it would be disappointed if the UK were to follow suit.

Some senior MPs have called for a ban, and Chancellor Rishi Sunak has hinted that the UK could follow the lead of the US and the EU in banning the app from government phones.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said that the UK will consider what its allies are doing, with both the US and the European Commission having already banned TikTok from staff phones.

TikTok has maintained that it does not share data with China, but critics argue that Chinese intelligence legislation requires firms to assist the Communist Party when requested, potentially exposing Western data to Beijing.

Last year, Parliament's TikTok account was shut down due to concerns about the app's links to China. TikTok has stated that it is committed to working with the UK government to address any concerns,

and has begun implementing measures to further protect European user data, including storing UK user data in European data centers and tightening data access controls.

Downing Street has declined to comment further on the possibility of a TikTok ban.