15 Interesting Facts About the Moon’s Distance from Earth

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1. The Moon is, on average, about      30 times the Earth’s diameter away from us. 2. The      Moon’s gravitational influence causes tides on Earth.

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1. During a supermoon, when the      Moon is closest to Earth, it can appear up to 14% larger and 30% brighter.

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1. The first successful      measurement of the Earth-Moon distance was accomplished in 1752 by the      French astronomer Alexis Clairaut.

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1. The Moon’s distance affects the      duration and intensity of lunar eclipses.

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1. NASA’s Apollo missions in the      1960s and 1970s placed retroreflectors on the Moon’s surface, allowing for      precise distance measurements.

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1. The Moon’s distance is linked      to its gravitational effects on Earth, contributing to the stabilization      of our planet’s axial tilt.

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1. The Earth-Moon distance has      played a crucial role in determining the Moon’s size, density, and      composition.

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1. The Moon’s distance affects the      duration and frequency of solar eclipses.

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1. The Earth-Moon distance is a      key factor in calculating the strength of Earth’s gravitational pull on      the Moon.

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1. Scientists continue to study      the Earth-Moon distance to refine our understanding of the Moon’s      formation and evolution.

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1. China’s Chang’e missions have      contributed valuable data on lunar distances, enhancing our knowledge of      Earth’s closest celestial companion.

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1. Future space exploration, such      as lunar colonization or extended space missions, will heavily rely on      accurate knowledge of the Earth-Moon distance.

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